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November 30, 2023

Therapeutic Yoga with Jyoti Manuel


Jyoti Manuel is a leading teacher-trainer and practitioner of therapeutic yoga for children with special needs, based in the UK. She is the founder of Special Yoga, a global training organization that was founded in 2003. The organization was established to provide and develop sustainable and accessible yoga-based programs for children with special and additional needs within education, therapeutic settings and within the family.  Jyoti works in collaboration with Breath-Body-Mind to support the outreach of their work within education to improve mental and emotional resilience. 


Drs. Brown and Gerbarg, are the founders of the Breath-Body-Mind Crisis Relief and Stress Resilience program we’ve posted on our Staying Calm and Collected page (and for which we send reminders out weekly on the Chat) write:


“As care-givers, we often underestimate the impact and importance of our state of being for the children and young people around us. We tend to focus on trying to make everything right for the children, often creating an anxious state in ourselves and unintentionally transmitting our stress to them. In contrast, when we are calm and regulated, we create an unspoken communication circle of safety and care, wherein restorative co-regulation can occur. Positive co-regulation is essential for children to thrive and develop self-regulation. 


These practices help children calm down, self-regulate emotions, improve mental focus and learning in school, and reduce anxiety about taking tests, performing in recitals or competitions, or just manage chaos in their lives. For children who have experienced trauma, these techniques enable them to feel safer, less fearful, freer to laugh, play, sleep, connect with their own feelings, and relate to others.

Jyoti joined last week’s session, what follows are some of things she taught:


During trauma kids disconnect from their bodies and later on can react with all kinds of disconcerting behaviours because they don’t have the language to describe how they are feeling.  Her goal is to help them stay in their bodies and release the anxiety throwing their central nervous system off balance.


To watch Jyotic demonstrate her methods, clik here: to register for the course video replays and then select the session from November 21, 2023. Jyoti starts at the 52:00 mark.  The course videos like the weekly sessions are free!


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