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Crocus Crocus tomasinianus 

the Simcha Poretz Geder flower remedy!


From the Iris family of colorful plants that open in the sun.

Crocuses blossom in late winter and early spring,

pushing up through the snow, laden with golden rich pollen

drawing Winter-weary bees over for a tasty sip!

(Power of Flowers/Isha Lerner; Barbara Olive, crocus description)


The Baal Shem Tov taught that simcha - inner joy

has the power to break through all the barriers.  

It’s the device that repairs the world and is key to the Geula.


It doesn’t mean we put off taking care of our problems or pretend they don’t exist,

but rather when we draw up from the nectar of

our inner radiance and joy


put ourselves in a positive frame of mind,

we can overcome even the darkest, coldest moments in time.


When the times we’re in threaten to dampen our spirits,

a few drops of Crocus

can be taken to engage our powers of simcha and

rally us on to break through the doom and gloom.

(culled from The Chassidic Approach to Joy by Rabbi Shloma Majeski)

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